What is PACE?
PACE is an innovative Medicare program and Medicaid option for North Carolinians age 55 and over who are in need of skilled nursing care but wish to receive that care while living in their own homes. The PACE focus is on prevention, early intervention, and wellness, which results in overall health improvements and cost savings.
Lutheran Services Carolinas now collaborates in four North Carolina PACE (Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly) initiatives: PACE@Home in Newton, NC (www.pace-at-home.org); Senior TLC in Gastonia, NC (seniortlc.org); PACE of the Triad in Greensboro (www.pacetriad.org); and PACE of the Southern Piedmont (www.pacesp.com).
You can learn more about PACE by visiting the National PACE Association website (www.npaonline.org).