Vision, Mission, and Values


The vision of Lutheran Services Carolinas is to fulfill the proclamation of Christ in John 10:10, “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”


Empowered by Christ, we walk together with all we serve.

Core Values

In 2012, LSC employees identified six core values or principles that define the culture and the character of the organization and are fundamental in fulfilling the LSC mission. In 2021, LSC added a seventh value: Justice.


Compassion is at the foundation of the LSC ministry. To be compassionate is to recognize the hurt or unhappiness of another and act to change it. LSC employees work in a compassionate manner to improve the lives of all they serve.


Many employees choose to work at LSC because the desire to serve is intrinsic to their faith; they feel called to love and to serve. LSC employees strive to be content and joyful in their work and to create an atmosphere of support and forgiveness.


LSC employees work responsibly, honestly, and in a transparent manner. There is an expectation of honesty at all levels of the organization. LSC promotes a just culture, where employees feel comfortable voicing concerns, seeking help, or admitting failures.


LSC strives to create a diverse and inclusive workplace where everyone is treated with dignity, and differences are accepted and enjoyed. LSC employees embrace the gifts of all and recognize the worth of each person.


Any job worth doing is worth doing well. LSC employees strive for excellence and encourage it in others. Employees seek out opportunities for personal growth and development and encourage others to do so as well.


Bringing together the skills and knowledge of many individuals broadens perspective and improves decision making. Collaboration fosters an atmosphere of trust and cooperation while enriching the workplace and the LSC organization.


God calls us to "Do Justice," to be in a right relationship with God and with each other. Every person should live free of bias, favoritism, and discrimination. The people of LSC will work to create a just culture throughout the organization and in all the communities we serve.