Therapeutic Independent Living Training (TILT) Winston-Salem

In its ministry to individuals with traumatic brain injury (TBI), Lutheran Services Carolinas offers a specialized transitional apartment living program in Winston-Salem. LSC staff members are available on-site to assist and support apartment residents while encouraging independence.

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Transitional Apartment Program (TBI)

This program offers eligible residents with traumatic brain injury (TBI) case management and/or care coordination services by an outside provider of their choice. Residents are responsible for a portion of their rent and learn to live independently, complete household chores, and utilize community resources and transportation. Residents then use the daily living skills they have learned to obtain employment or job training. Residents also attend therapy sessions. The goal of the TBI apartment program is for residents to become completely independent and move into a non-supervised living arrangement such as an apartment of their own.

To enter the program, applicants must:

  • Have TBI or a TBI-related developmental disability diagnosis.
  • Have a source of income.
  • Be Medicaid recipients.

Therapeutic Independent Living Training (TILT)

The Therapeutic Independent Living Training program offers multiple services to people with traumatic brain injury, mental illness, or intellectual and/or developmental disabilities who are able to live independently with minimal assistance. Residents are responsible for their own finances, and staff, in conjunction with other agencies, help them refine and improve the skills they have so that they can live safely and successfully.

It is preferred that TAP and TILT residents have a one year period of sobriety (as relevant to substance abuse) prior to entering the program. All programs operate within the same apartment complex. Though residents are encouraged to be independent, staff members are available on site for assistance.

For more information or to submit an application, email, or call 336-448-0453 or 1-800-HELPING.


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