Corporate Compliance Policy

Including Conflict of Interest Statement

Lutheran Services Carolinas (LSC) will carry out its mission and provide services in accordance with applicable laws, regulations, and professional standards in order to promote a community of integrity and high ethical standards.

The LSC Mission – “Empowered by Christ, we walk together with all we serve.”

Confidentiality – LSC will maintain resident, staff member, client, customer, and operations information in a confidential manner that will be carefully maintained and accessed only by authorized individuals in the course of their work.

Conflict of Interest – Board and staff members will not pursue any activity that might conflict or appear to conflict with the interests of the agency nor will they use their position for personal gain.

Charges for Services – LSC will maintain timely, fair, accurate, and clear billing practices in relation to all persons or organizations for which a service or product is provided.

Health & Safety – LSC will remain committed to providing residents, clients, visitors, volunteers, and staff members with a secure and safe environment in which to live, visit, and provide services.

Human Resources – LSC will provide a work environment that supports the full development of all staff members and is free from discrimination, harassment, or intimidation.

Protection of Persons & Property – LSC will remain committed to protecting the persons and property entrusted to us against abuse, loss, theft, or misuse.

Quality of Care – LSC will remain committed to providing quality care and services to our residents, their families, and the communities we serve.

Retaliation – LSC will not tolerate any attempt at retaliation against an individual who reports or considers reporting acts or practices suspected of violating the commitments of LSC.

If you believe that you have witnessed or discovered an act or practice that is not compatible with the statements above, please inquire about it to responsible administrative staff members. If making such a report is not possible or you prefer to remain anonymous, please call the LSC Corporate Compliance Hotline 1-888-523-7244 or mail your information to LSC, P.O. Box 947, Salisbury, NC 28145 or email to the attention of the Corporate Compliance Officer.