Each year during our Tour de LSC across all LSC operations, I share our Vision, Mission, and Values. They are Lutheran Christian, biblically-based. I always add that while LSC is an unapologetically Christian-based organization that you need not be Lutheran/Christian to be served or employed by LSC. All Are Welcome. For many years LSC has walked the Diversity/Equity/Inclusion path. We are proud of our Lutheran/Christian-ness, and we are proud to ally with all who love to serve with love.
I woke up in the middle of the night recently with this on my mind as part of my own diversity journey and growth plan. My thought was: are we as welcoming and accommodating of non-Christian teammates as we think we are. LSC leaders connected me with seven teammates across LSC who are diverse in culture and religion who were willing to be interviewed by me to talk through these issues. Two of the Muslim teammates wear the hijab, which makes them more visible. Most I had met before; all were willing to speak freely.
The short answer is yes, LSC is as welcoming and accommodating as we aspire to be. All seven felt welcomed, loved, comfortable, included. Only one teammate noted one incident where they were not trusted by a family member, but the teammate attributed that to one family member who seemed untrusting of all caregivers. A Jewish teammate shared that as the primarily Christian staff in their department were decorating for Christmas, they were encouraged to bring their menorah for Hannukah. The teammate said she’d never felt so included in her workplace.
LSC is all about learning and growing. The other question asked was what can LSC do to be more welcoming and accommodating to persons not of the Christian faith. Most of the interviewees said they felt welcomed and had no suggestions. Some suggestions came from further discussion.
LSC tries to open meetings with devotions or a prayer in keeping with its Christian tradition. Obviously, people can pray or not, and all expressed support even comfort in those prayers. Suggestions to be more inclusive included:
- Explaining in orientation materials and in orientation the Christian-ness of LSC, the inclusiveness of LSC, and that teammates not of the Christian faith are encouraged to simultaneously pray in their own tradition or not pray,
- Routinely remind meeting facilitators to not randomly call on someone to pray, as they may not be comfortable or not be of that faith tradition,
- Find innovative ways to lift up other religious and cultural celebrations to honor other religions/cultures and educate all of us,
- Be educated and supportive of other religions and their practices. For example, one Muslim teammate asked their supervisor if they could work through lunch, then leave a bit earlier to get home earlier while fasting during Ramadan. Working all day and not getting home to break the fast for an extra hour is a hardship. I was thrilled to hear the supervisor was happy to accommodate that request. Now, that’s The LSC Way!
This exercise was important to test LSC’s practice against its principles. There is always more we can learn and we can always do better. We listened to our teammates (customers) and as always we will continue to learn, grow, and improve. It’s The LSC Way.