How did I miss this?
I just heard a game changing COVID vaccine fact that I have completely missed!
Many people are concerned about the “new” mRNA process that isn’t new as it’s been studied since before 1990. My whole family, my wife, my pregnant daughter who is now a new mother and grandson, and I all took the mRNA vaccine, Moderna or Pfizer, without incident.
Anyway, I missed the fact that the Johnson & Johnson vaccine uses the viral vector method, not mRNA! Johnson & Johnson uses a modified version of a harmless virus to deliver the protein that triggers our immune systems. It’s the same method that has been proven for many years.
Johnson & Johnson is approximately as effective as the mRNA vaccines in preventing severe cases. Dr. Mansoor Amiji, Distinguished Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Chemical Engineering at Northeastern University, stated: “The Johnson & Johnson vaccine was 85 percent effective at preventing severe cases of COVID-19, and there were no deaths or hospitalizations among the group who received the vaccine in the clinical trials.”
J & J uses the older, harmless-virus system.
If you are worried about mRNA for whatever reason, you can still get the J & J! It’s not mRNA, it’s effective and it will help protect you, your family, and our most vulnerable elders.
Regardless, this is a decision you should discuss with your physician.
– LSC President and CEO Ted Goins