North Carolina has had more than 400,000 cases of COVID-19, with over 5,500 deaths. The state is also seeing high rates – more than 10 percent – of positive tests, even as testing has increased. Hospitalizations are currently at 2,240. The figures are sobering, and the bad news will likely continue over the coming weeks.
According to the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services COVID-19 County Alert system, each county in which LSC has a senior living community – Rowan , Forsyth, Stanly, New Hanover, Catawba and Buncombe – has been designated as either red (critical community spread), orange (substantial community spread) or yellow (significant community spread). The designations are based on case rate, percent positive, and hospital impact within the county. Catawba County, in which LSC operates two senior living communities, Trinity Village and Trinity Ridge, is in the “critical community spread” category.
“When COVID is rampant in the community, it will find its way into that community’s congregate care facilities, including its nursing and assisted living facilities,” said LSC President Ted Goins. “We at LSC implore everyone to practice the three Ws and to monitor the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services updates and take the numbers seriously. This is not a drill! Lives are at stake.”
“The good news is that LSC anticipates that it will be able to administer the COVID-19 vaccine to residents and front-line teammates before January 1, which will mean much-needed relief for our residents and teammate/heroes. In the meantime, though, we must all be diligent in order to stay safe.”
For more information, go to https://covid19.ncdhhs.gov/.