Dear LSC Family,
“And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” These are words from 1 Corinthians 13:13 that could have been written, were written, for the LSC family!
We are all sick and tired of COVID-19 ruining a year, disrupting lives, dividing our families. LSC residents/clients and teammates have suffered mightily! Long-term care residents have suffered from no or limited family visits, isolation, no communal dining and events, no visitors! LSC’s direct care teammates have also suffered, risking health and life, putting their families at risk, becoming the only family for our residents, wearing shields, facemasks, and other PPE all day every day…
And yet, people are smiling, in good spirits (most of the time), persevering! The singular thing holding all of LSC together is our LSC Mission and Vision. It resounds in the words of 1 Corinthians: faith, hope, love!
Speaking of hope, everything I am reading indicates that nursing and assisted living teammates will have first access to the COVID-19 vaccine. That could happen as early as mid-December, but will probably be in the new year. Let’s pray that is the case! The government is still debating whether to make the vaccine mandatory for health care workers; currently they are strongly considering but not making mandatory. Regardless, I hope every teammate will take the vaccine as soon as they are allowed. I know I will be first in line as soon as I’m allowed to take it!
I am excited by something our American Health Care Association president Mark Parkinson said last week! He said that after all nursing homes and assisted living facilities have been through in the last eight months, the vaccine will make our buildings bubbles of safety within our communities! We will finally be safe for our residents, our teammates, and all our families!
Then throughout this next Spring all of LSC and all citizens will have access to the vaccine; we will then all be safe!
We have come far and suffered much during this global pandemic. Faith, hope, and love have gotten us this far, and faith, hope, and love will take us home. Please keep the faith, take care of yourself and your family, and take care of the rest of your LSC family. While things may never go back to pre-COVID days, it appears the future will be much brighter!
Thank you for your time and your sacrifice for the Vision and Mission of Lutheran Services Carolinas. Blessings of faith, hope, and love to you and your family and your LSC family, and the Happiest of Thanksgivings to you!
Yours in Christ,
Ted W. Goins, Jr.