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Trinity Ridge confirms COVID cases

By July 2, 2020No Comments

Trinity Ridge, Hickory, has confirmed positive Covid-19 tests for five residents and three teammates. Trinity Ridge has been bracing for the possibility of an outbreak for almost four months. As the number of positive cases rises in the population, as it has in Catawba County, congregate communities are at great risk.

“To have made it for almost four months in this global pandemic without a positive case is a testament to the excellent leadership of every one of the 172 teammates who works at Trinity Ridge,” said Ted Goins, president of parent ministry Lutheran Services Carolinas. “They have loved and protected our residents and held the line against this deadly virus.”

Trinity Ridge is communicating closely with all residents and their families and working with the Catawba County Health Department on reporting and follow-up, including additional testing.

“The Catawba County Health Department has been an excellent partner in this work,” said Trinity Ridge Administrator Tonya Hilliard. “Our teammates and the health department have the very same goal: to keep all of our Trinity Ridge family safe.”

The health department issued a press release on the morning of 7-2-20 that Trinity Ridge had one resident and two teammates test positive. Trinity Ridge had already reported the results of additional testing that raised that number to five residents and three teammates. Additional testing may identify other cases.

“Trinity Ridge teammates follow strict infection control guidelines, are wearing the right personal protective equipment, and are doing everything we know to do to hold the line against Covid,” said Hilliard. “I cannot say enough about the heroes who are working under these difficult circumstances.”

“The entire community can help our hero teammates,” said Goins. “Please, please, practice the three Ws: WEAR your mask, WAIT six feet apart, and WASH your hands!”

Amy Estridge

Author Amy Estridge

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